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As a lifelong resident of the Arcadia neighborhood, former SUSD K-12 student, and Dad of current students in the district, I am dedicated to ensuring that our public schools are pillars of our community that parents can proudly send their children to for an excellent education experience.

We must... 

  • Protect Our Children

Our children are our priority. Every decision we make, policy we implement, and dollar we spend must be focused on our students' best interests and protection. They deserve nothing less than a quality education and a safe environment in which to learn.

  • Support Our Hard-Working Teachers

We must prioritize retaining our hard-working teachers by investing in their classrooms and ensuring they are supported and paid more for their investment in the next generation.

  • Invest in Quality Education

We live in a state with robust school choice, so we must offer a quality educational product so that our public schools are a top choice for families. We must grow our student enrollment by competing in the education marketplace, focusing on classic academic curricula instead of activism and political ideologies, which have no place in our schools.

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Approved by Drew Hassler.
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